Kids come in all shapes and sizes, but all seem to have a little artist hidden inside… one that likes to draw whenever – and wherever – inspiration strikes. When your child’s latest art project ends up on the walls, leave it to Mr. Clean®. He knows how to get permanent marker off walls, and he loves spreading his knowledge to moms and dads everywhere. Removing permanent marker from walls starts and ends with the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser. It’s strong enough to power through marker and pen, turning your little one’s permanent masterpiece into a temporary art installation. And your walls can go back to being beautiful.

Powered by his legendary clean, you’ll know how to get marker off walls in a jiffy. All you need is the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Extra Durable and some water. The Magic Eraser Extra Durable is 50 percent stronger than the Magic Eraser Original, so you can get tough on mess without all the extra effort. To start, get your Magic Eraser wet. Then squeeze out any remaining water to prevent any drips or drops messing up your freshly cleaned walls.
Firmly swipe the Magic Eraser across the marker or pen marks on the wall. The micro-scrubbers inside will start to erase the mess in just a few steady swipes. That’s all it takes to start experiencing the strength of Mr. Clean. It’s like we took all his muscle and put into one small, sturdy cleaning tool! With Mr. Clean on your side, your walls can survive your children’s artistic flair.
Test a small area with light pressure before use. Not recommended for the following surfaces: high gloss, polished, dark, brushed, satin, faux, bare/polished wood, copper, stainless steel appliances, non-stick coating or vehicle body. Do not use with chlorine bleach or other household cleaners. Rinse required for surfaces in direct contact with food. Do not use on skin or other parts of the body. Using on skin will likely cause abrasions. Keep out of reach of toddlers and pets to avoid accidental ingestion.