Where does a man so clean, with so many muscles, and such a bald head come from? Many stories have been told over the years. Some say he was a genie, others a sailor. But this is the story most often told.
It was early one summer morning, when a farmer set out to tend his field, as he’d done every morning for more years than he could remember. But this wouldn’t be just another morning. Because it was on this morning that he looked down to find, cleaning his front steps, a small, sturdy baby, with a remarkably shiny, bald head.
He was the cutest, cleanest baby the farmer and his wife had ever seen, and so they decided to adopt the little guy as their own.
“Mr. Clean learned to be the best at what you do, you need to work harder than everybody else.”HARD WORK PAYS OFF
Mr. Clean’s parents were hard working folks who lived by the motto “if somethings worth doing, it’s worth doing right”. It’s with that work ethic and his natural love for cleaning that Mr. Clean set out across the globe on a mission to become the best, toughest, hardest working cleaner in history.
After years research Mr. Clean finally wrote ‘The Encleanapedia’, a chronicle of his adventures and everything he’d learned about cleaning. That book eventually found its way into the hands of a company called Procter and Gamble, who knew they’d found the man who would change the way people clean forever. For Mr. Clean, it was a dream come true.
Now as the face of his very own cleaning brand Mr. Clean embodies everything that makes his products so special. He’s tough, fearless, inventive, helpful, and has the muscle to knock out dirt, grease, and grime no matter where it’s hiding.