Mr. Clean® knows you don’t want to bathe in an old, dirty tub. But knowing how to clean bathtub dirt and grime, especially gunk that’s been there for years, can be tricky. Thankfully, Mr. Clean is on a mission to make tough stains easier to power through. Now, you can restore your tub to its former glory by cleaning with his mighty Magic Eraser. As Mr. Clean’s go-to bathroom cleaner, Magic Eraser makes bathroom cleaning a cinch.

Old bathtubs can be covered in rust, dust, dirt and grime. Mr. Clean’s best bathroom cleaner is the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Bath with Gain Original Scent. It’s specially textured for extra scrubbing power and is infused with a foaming cleanser for more cleaning power. Plus, with the added scent of Febreze® Meadows and Rain, your tub will smell extra fresh! It’s also a great shower cleaner, so feel free to scrub away dirt from most of your bathroom surfaces.
Wet your Magic Eraser Bath with Gain Original Scent with water. This helps stimulate the magic inside the Magic Eraser!
Give your Magic Eraser three to four good squeezes. When the bubbles begin to form, you’ll know the magic is working and the tub cleaner engines are running! Mr. Clean is ready for action.
Okay, tub time. Use the activated Magic Eraser Bath with Gain Original Scent to clean the desired area. Like magic, the Magic Eraser will start powering through tough grime in just a few swipes. Before you know it, your clean bathtub with shine like the top of Mr. Clean’s head!
And remember, you can also use Magic Eraser to clean other surfaces too. Whether you need to know how to clean a shower, bathtub, sink or countertop, Mr. Clean knocks out tough dirt all around your home. It's what he does, 24 hours a day.
Test a small area with light pressure before use. Not recommended for the following surfaces: high gloss, polished, dark, brushed, satin, faux, bare/polished wood, copper, stainless steel appliances, non-stick coating or vehicle body. Do not use with chlorine bleach or other household cleaners. Rinse required for surfaces in direct contact with food. Do not use on skin or other parts of the body. Using on skin will likely cause abrasions. Keep out of reach of toddlers and pets to avoid accidental ingestion